Morning everyone!

We hope you are all well and as dry as you can be.

Frances is continuing her Sparring Clinic theme for todays lunch time Wing Chun class – everyone is getting great results so make it in if you can.

Sparring is light and breezy for your first grading, then we start to increase the pressure from level 3 onwards. So working on your technical sparring skills is highly recommended.

Tonight at 6:30pm Vadim is teaching forms as part of the warm up. The main theme is chi sao rolling and basic applications from last week. We will also look at introduction to bil gee strikes. Sparring at the end (bring your 16oz gloves).

For anyone prepping for your level 7 belt or tips for level 7, or you’re not there yet but wondering what lay ahead, bil gee strikes are part of your level 7 grading assessments. Additionally, you begin getting assessed on chi sau as of level 3 in the way of chi sau drills, eventually leading up to double arm chi sau from level 5.

Classes today:

12.15pm Wing Chun (Sparring Clinic)
6.30pm Wing Chun Kung Fu

Classes Saturday:

9am Conditioning
10am Wing Chun Kung Fu
11.15am Juniors All Ages

See you on the mat.

Red Boat Team


Morning all!

Parents please note that the Juniors grading will take place at the end of term on Saturday 9th April at usual Juniors Saturday class time of 11am. The grading mentioned yesterday is for our adult students which is on 19th March at 10am. Because of the time required to facilitate a grading, we move the Juniors class to an early start of 9am on Adult Grading days.

So Juniors grading is at the end of term on Saturday 9th April 11am.

I’m loving March’s description of tonight’s 6pm BJJ class!:

– Terrifying cardio/strength warm up
– Revision of last week’s Kimura sweep options from closed guard/or as a response to guard pass attempt.
– King of the Mat (closed guard)

I’m not quite sure what a terrifying warm up would look – or sound like – but I’m sure it will be fun session as always.

Classes today:

4.30pm Junior Martial Arts Program (JMAP) Over 10’s
6pm Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Starting next week 7.15pm: Boxing Foundations

Friday classes:

12.15pm Wing Chun Kung Fu (Sparring Clinic)
6.30pm Wing Chun Kung Fu

See you on the mat!

Red Boat Team


Hi guys!

Saturday 19th March at 10am is the first grading for the year. It’s a Tips grading, so be sure to check your Tips curriculum material, refresh what you do know and ask about what you don’t.

In the coming days and weeks we are including Tips curriculum techniques into all classes. The closer we get to grading day the more time we will allocate in each class for open mat grading practice.

Parents please be advised on this date that the All Ages Juniors class on this date (Saturday 19th March) will be changed to an early start of 9am.

Classes Today:

12.15pm Wing Chun Kung Fu
4.15pm Junior Martial Arts Under 10’s
6pm Wing Chun Kung Fu
7pm Sparring
7.30pm Wing Chun Foundations

Classes Thursday:

4.30pm Junior Martial Arts Over 10’s
6pm Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Commencing next Thursday 7.15pm Boxing Foundations

See you on the mat!

Red Boat Team


We asked and you have spoken!

Next Tuesday (8th March) will be the beginning of a BJJ Foundations class at 7.15pm. THIS DOES NOT & WILL NOT REPLACE 6PM TRUE BOXING! If you are a complete beginner or keen to drill the basics then this will be a class for you.

Tonight’s Boxing will be about slipping, with dirty boxing to finish and then sparring.

Classes today:

4.30pm JMAP Over 10’s
6pm True Boxing
Starting next week: 7.15pm BJJ Foundations

Classes Wednesday:

12.15pm Wing Chun Kung Fu
4.15pm JMAP Under 10’s
6pm Wing Chun Kung Fu
7pm Sparring
7.30pm Wing Chun Foundations

See you on the mat!

Red Boat Team


Hello all!

We hope you have had a wonderful weekend.

This week is set to focus on striking combos, with kicks and Tips techniques thrown into the mix – Tips grading is scheduled for Saturday March 19th (Adults grading).

At lunch today we’re focusing on Hook Kick and combo variations, Tip techniques and Forms. 6pm is kicks, Pak-Chuen techniques and forms. 6pm will cover the kicking theme and then Pak Cheun techniques and forms. And 7.15pm the second instalment of Chi sau fundamentals, using 2 level punching and exploring humble larp sau.

Kids Holiday Programs

This year marks the beginning of our Kids School Holiday programs.

During school holidays on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11am and 4pm we will be running day programs that will include Kung Fu training, anti-bullying workshops and kids Kung Fu movies/shows and games. Contact Amy for more info on either 0421 637 298 or 

Friends and family are welcome and Red Boat members will receive a discount. We are starting to take your bookings now.

Today’s timetable:

12.15pm Wing Chun Kung Fu
4.15pm Juniors Under 10’s
6pm Wing Chun Kung Fu
7pm Sparring
7.15pm Wing Chun Foundations


4.30pm Juniors Over 10’s
6pm True Boxing
Coming soon: BJJ Foundations at 7.15pm starting 8th March!

See you on the mat!

Red Boat Team


Lucky that we can do what we love pretty much anywhere.

I hope that this enormous downpour has not caused any damage to any of you guys. You all come from different areas in Sydney, some worse hit than others and we hope that you have only had minor inconveniences to deal with.

Plans for 9am conditioning today are to keep your mind off the rain and into a solid HIIT session… After Limbering up HIIT 2 sets 8 x 25 sec. Then mixture boxing sets and conditioning.

Leaping ahead to Monday, the 12.15 pm we will cover the hook kick, working that into striking combos, plus forms and partner conditioning. 7.15 pm is instalment 2 of Chi sau fundamentals, using 2 level punching and exploring humble larp sau

Classes for the next few days are as follows:


9am Conditioning
10am Wing Chun Kung Fu
11.15am JMAP – All Ages


9.30am Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


12.15pm Wing Chun Kung Fu
4.15pm JMAP Under 10’s
6pm Wing Chun Kung Fu
7pm Sparring
7.15pm Wing Chun Foundations

See you on the mat.

Red Boat Team


Thank you everyone so much for your feedback yesterday!

Looks like a BJJ Foundations class on Tuesday nights at 7.15pm is a solid go ahead. Boxing Foundations on Thursday nights at 7.15pm looks to be a maybe – but we’ll give it a run and take it from there. If you haven’t voted yet please do so asap! As it will give us a clearer idea of what you want and when you want it. And if you know anyone not yet a member that would love to get started let them know as these might be the classes to help them on their way.

Implementation to timetable will be early March. Specific date to be confirmed.

Yesterdays BJJ class covered some basic attack/sweep flow drills from guard and a slightly more advanced flow drill, holding a Kimura lock from guard to sweep options to submissions set ups. If you want to dip your toe in the water Thursdays and Sundays are the BJJ days to do it if you are not a regular already.

Tomorrow lunch is a Conditioning workout and the 2nd instalment of sparring foundations including finishing off with a few rounds of sparring.

Friday night class will include Forms as part of warm up, cross arm to double arm chi sao (rolling and basics) sparring small gloves (clinch takedowns) and cool down with forms.

So two classes – but a packed day.


12.15pm Wing Chun (Sparring Clinic)
6.30pm Wing Chun


9am Conditioning
10am Wing Chun
11.15am JMAP – All Ages

See you on the mat!

Red Boat Team


Dear members, fans and friends!

We plan on trialling a BJJ Foundations class on a Tuesday night and a Boxing Foundations class on a Thursday night – both at 7.15pm.

Please reply to this post or email stating “YES” that you’re interested in these classes, “BJJ” and/or “BOXING” and “OFTEN”, “SOMETIMES” or “RARELY” as to which class(es) and how regularly you would be attending these classes on a week-to-week basis.

Thank you in advance for your input! 🤗

Classes today are:

4.30pm Over 10’s JMAP (Junior Martial Arts Program)
6pm BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu)

Friday classes:

12.15pm Wing Chun Kung Fu
6.30pm Wing Chun Kung Fu

See you on the mat!

Red Boat Team


Morning all,

Today we’re starting with 12.15 Wing Chun with Frances who has planned Sil Lum Tao. Chi Sau and a technique from each level depending on whose in. Chum Kil and if time left 1st and 2nd sets Wooden Dummy.

BJJ and Boxing Foundations

We’re looking at trialling a 4 week program to set up new members/students in good stead for all the disciplines we offer with foundations classes in Wing Chun, BJJ and Boxing. We currently already have Wing Chun Foundations classes. We would be potentially adding a Tuesday night BJJ Foundations class and a Thursday night Boxing Foundations class, both at 7.15pm and set tp run for 45 mins.

These would also be great classes for current members to drill down on your foundations.

Current students on a 12 Block or Unlimited membership would have access to these classes as part of your membership. If we average 6 or more per class then it would be a permanent addition to our timetable.

So, who’s interested? And if you’re interested, would it be an every week class you would make or just on the odd occasion or somewhere in-between?

Please simply just reply to this post or email if it’s a yes, tell us boxing and/or bjj and state “often”, “sometimes” or “rarely”.

Thanks in advance for your feedback!

And if you have a friend who would like to try this martial arts thing, please forward this email or tag them in this post! 

Classes today:

12.15pm Wing Chun
4.15pm Under 10’s JMAP
6pm Wing Chun
7pm Sparring
7.30 Wing Chun Foundations

Thursday Classes:

4.30pm Over 10’s JMAP
6pm Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

See you on the mat!

Red Boat Team


Morning all,

Boxing tonight we are working on hook and overhand variations.

Wednesday Wing Chun we are we are continuing with Forms, Chi Sau and Wooden Dummy – last night we worked on Chum Kil, Set 1 and Larp Sau techniques from double arm Chi Sau. Bil Gee, Garn Sau techs and Dummy set 2 will be covered on Wednesday.

Classes today:

4.30pm Over 10’s JMAP
6pm Boxing


12.15pm Wing Chun
4.15pm Under 10’s JMAP
6pm Wing Chun
7pm Sparring
7.30pm Wing Chun Foundations

See you on the mat!

Red Boat Team
