Greetings and Salutations,
Well, another intense training week. A big effort from everyone. Respect.
This week is a smorgasbord of traditional drills. Seniors will be concentrating on Chum Kil, Bil Jee, Wooden Dummy and Chi Sau. Blues will be detailing the second half of Sil Lum Tao and trapping hands. White belts will be foundation essentials… see you on the mat.
As some of you may have heard, Andrew will no longer be teaching the lunchtime BJJ class. This is a decision he does not take lightly, so I would like to take this opportunity to share some of your BJJ history.
At the 1996 Martial Arts Hall of Fame Awards I was hanging out with John Will and he was really pumped about how BJJ was going to change the landscape of martial arts in Australia. He said “Rick, you should really think about integrating it into your system.”
So John came up and did an amazing seminar, and that was that. We were hooked. We didn’t have mats at the time but we dove in and the rest is history. And a big part of that history is Andrew.
The two of us rolled and rolled and rolled. We both knew how important this discipline was for strengthening our Wing Chun and the future of our system. I may have brought BJJ to our mat, but Andrew has consolidated it. When I could not continue teaching due to injuries, Andrew took up the slack and forged ahead so we never lost momentum.
I am forever grateful for that and countless owe him a huge thanks for the BJJ skills they possess today.
So once again, thank you old friend, for all your contributions, coming in on Thursdays regardless of numbers and giving your best. I personally look forward to some Sunday sessions with you when my body is able. You’re simply tops in my book.
Much love and respect,