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A comprehensive  study on the habits of elite level athletes… Over 6 weeks you  will learn everthing you need to achieve perfect health….Every aspect of your diet …Salt… Fats … Correct carb to protien ratios …Correct hydration …Micro and macro nutrients and the balance that is missing …Training for strenght vs training for size vs training for endurance you will recieve a program for each one depending on your needs …How to strip body fat in weeks not months ..How to improve your sleep patterns a vital key to peak performance …The winning mind of elite athletes…Reprogramming your mind set to create and achieve your goals and achieve flow state at will ..This is the most up to date  sports science driven course..no guess work needed !!..If your serious about becoming the best version of you ..A better martial artist and athlete then register asap..Remember our level of health and fitness influences everything we do ……Sifu