Red Belt in RBKF Wing Chun, Black Belt Second Degree in Machado BJJ.
Red Belt in RBKF Wing Chun, Black Belt Second Degree in Machado BJJ.
Bac Fu Do Kung Fu (2 years), Xingyi/Bagua (5 years),RBKF (27 years) Jiu Jitsu (18 years). I was a gymnast in high school and surfed.
I had trained other Kung Fu styles but for various reasons was unable to establish a continuous relationship with a good teacher. I had some major difficulties with my back when I started at RBKF. The desire to achieve in Kung Fu and the expectations Sifu placed upon me gave me the perseverance to find the right healers and transcend those physical limitations. Literal transcendence, I am not exaggerating.
John Will introduced us to Jiu Jitsu in 1998 and I found this a fascinating vehicle. I pretty much had to specialise in Jiu Jitsu for the last nine years to come as far as I have in this time. Now I’m doing my best to bring it all back home to Redfern, per Bob Dylan.
The martial arts landscape has changed tremendously in my time with RBKF. The fundamentals and spirit and vibe of the school have not changed. We were on the right track then and we’re still on the right track now.
We have all gotten older, and I think wiser. Well, most of the time.
Training keeps me young and provides a social life with varied and fascinating people of all ages, cultures and situations. Serious fun.
A reason to strive to be an exemplar and ignite the passion for martial arts in others, and get them walking this path with heart.
Genki Sudo – he combined cutting edge technique, heart, showmanship, spirituality and creativity into an amazing package. His fights and ring/cage entrances were creative genius. Epic.
Also Steve Maxwell, 64 years old, a 5th degree Jiu Jitsu black belt, the fittest and most badass sexagenarian I’ve ever met. Travels continually giving seminars, carrying everything he owns in one backpack. I have had the good fortune to train with him several times and plan to do so again early 2017.
A red/gold/black belt was a white belt who never gave up. Everyone finds a way. If I can do this, so can you.
Spiral out, keep going.
Interested in learning more about Andrew and his martial journey, check out his blog Exponential Jiu Jitsu.
Phone 0423 610 695
Email info@redboatkungfu.com
24-26 Botany Road
Alexandria, NSW 2015
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